California Capital Cup 2022: основной раунд. Game #7924. Mafia wins..
Club Tournament Address Referee Time Duration Language Civs odds October 15, 2022, 10:49 am 01:14 РУС 58.3%
1: Лидер черной команды, при промахах добился подъема 1-5 или 1-6 не смотря ни на что. Избежал своего ухода, гарантировав угадайку на 3х а не на 4х 2: Выиграла угадайку в сложной для черных игре с промахами 6: Нашел цвет 7 и 10, в конце правильно понял что черные 1 и 2 10: Правильно определился в угадайке не смотря на жесткое завещание от 5 что 2 красная (2 черная)
1 in day 5
2 3 in day 3
4 in night 2
5 in night 6
6 in day 5
7 8 in night 3
9 in day 2
10 in day 6
Day 0 2 (maf) nominates 1 (maf) .5 nominates 2 (maf) .5 gets a warning during 8 's speech.10 nominates 7 .6 , 7 , 8 , 9 (don) , 10 vote for 1 (maf) .1 (maf) , 2 (maf) , 3 , 4 (sheriff) , 5 vote for 7 .6 , 7 , 8 , 9 (don) , 10 vote for 1 (maf) .1 (maf) , 2 (maf) , 3 , 4 (sheriff) , 5 vote for 7 .Night 1 Day 1 3 nominates 1 (maf) .6 nominates 7 .6 , 7 , 8 , 9 (don) , 10 vote for 1 (maf) .1 (maf) , 2 (maf) , 3 , 4 (sheriff) , 5 vote for 7 .6 , 7 , 8 , 9 (don) , 10 vote for 1 (maf) .1 (maf) , 2 (maf) , 3 , 4 (sheriff) , 5 vote for 7 .Night 2 Day 2 4 (sheriff) leaves the game. 1 (maf) , 2 (maf) , 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 (don) , 10 are still playing.9 (don) gets a warning during 4 (sheriff) 's last speech.3 nominates 9 (don) .10 gets a warning during 5 's speech.8 nominates 7 .1 (maf) , 2 (maf) , 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 10 vote for 9 (don) .9 (don) votes for 7 .9 (don) leaves the game. 1 (maf) , 2 (maf) , 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 10 are still playing.Night 3 Day 3 8 leaves the game. 1 (maf) , 2 (maf) , 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 10 are still playing.5 nominates 7 .5 gets second warning during 6 's speech.6 nominates 1 (maf) .7 nominates 5 .5 gets third warning during 1 (maf) 's speech.1 (maf) nominates 3 .6 gets a warning during 2 (maf) 's speech.1 (maf) gets a warning during 3 's speech.5 votes for 1 (maf) .1 (maf) , 2 (maf) , 3 vote for 5 .6 , 7 , 10 vote for 3 .1 (maf) , 3 , 7 vote for 5 .2 (maf) , 5 , 6 , 10 vote for 3 .3 leaves the game. 1 (maf) , 2 (maf) , 5 , 6 , 7 , 10 are still playing.Night 4 Day 4 Night 5 Day 5 2 (maf) gets a warning during 7 's speech.10 nominates 6 .1 (maf) nominates 10 .6 nominates 1 (maf) .6 gets third warning during voting for 6 .1 (maf) , 2 (maf) , 5 vote for 6 .6 , 7 , 10 vote for 1 (maf) .1 (maf) , 2 (maf) , 5 vote for 6 .6 , 7 , 10 vote for 1 (maf) .6 leaves the game. 1 (maf) , 2 (maf) , 5 , 7 , 10 are still playing.1 (maf) leaves the game. 2 (maf) , 5 , 7 , 10 are still playing.Night 6 Day 6