Obama Cup: финальный раунд. Game #14279. Town wins.. Back
Club Tournament Address Referee Time Duration Language Civs odds April 14, 2024, 2:45 pm 00:57 ENG 76.1%
1: dal otstrel na sherifa, bil krasnim po zaveshcheniam, pitalsia ostavit 8 za stolom, narisoval validnyy kimandy 3 7 8 i argymentiroval ee 3: zastavil 10 ostavit ryl 9, perviy skazal chto 1 8 vmeste, ostavil snimat 1, i skazal snimat 6 1 po ocheredi 7: zashchitila 3 kogda v nego shla ataka, argymenirovala svoi krasniy cvet, vnezavisimosti ot ataki 4 v nee, skazala chto on krasnee, viigrala ygadaiky
1 in day 4
2 in night 1
3 in night 4
4 5 in day 1
6 in day 3
7 8 in day 2
9 in night 3
10 in night 2
Day 0 10 gets a warning during 5 's speech.1 (maf) gets a warning during 5 's speech.10 nominates 3 .2 (sheriff) gets a warning during 10 's speech.Night 1 Day 1 2 (sheriff) leaves the game. 1 (maf) , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 (don) , 7 , 8 (maf) , 9 , 10 are still playing.2 (sheriff) 's legacy is 4 , 5 , 8 (maf) .3 nominates 8 (maf) .4 gets a warning during 5 's speech.5 nominates 4 .7 nominates 5 .8 (maf) nominates 9 .8 (maf) gets a warning during 9 's speech.8 (maf) gets second warning during 10 's speech.3 gets a warning during 1 (maf) 's speech.3 , 4 , 5 vote for 8 (maf) .1 (maf) , 6 (don) , 7 , 8 (maf) , 9 , 10 vote for 5 .5 leaves the game. 1 (maf) , 3 , 4 , 6 (don) , 7 , 8 (maf) , 9 , 10 are still playing.7 gets a warning during 5 's last speech.Night 2 Mafia shoots 10 . Don checks 3 . Day 2 10 leaves the game. 1 (maf) , 3 , 4 , 6 (don) , 7 , 8 (maf) , 9 are still playing.3 gets second warning during 10 's last speech.4 nominates 7 .6 (don) nominates 8 (maf) .7 nominates 4 .7 gets second warning during 9 's speech.1 (maf) nominates 3 .8 (maf) gets third warning during 3 's speech.6 (don) , 8 (maf) vote for 7 .1 (maf) , 3 , 4 , 7 vote for 8 (maf) .9 votes for 3 .8 (maf) leaves the game. 1 (maf) , 3 , 4 , 6 (don) , 7 , 9 are still playing.Night 3 Day 3 9 leaves the game. 1 (maf) , 3 , 4 , 6 (don) , 7 are still playing.6 (don) nominates 3 .7 nominates 6 (don) .6 (don) votes for 3 .1 (maf) , 3 , 4 , 7 vote for 6 (don) .6 (don) leaves the game. 1 (maf) , 3 , 4 , 7 are still playing.Night 4 Day 4